Care Minutes in Residential Aged Care

care minutes aged care

As part of the aged care reform roadmap, the Department of Health and Aged Care are making changes to the number of direct care minutes a resident in residential aged care receives each day from a clinical aged care worker. As of 2023, it sat at 200 minutes per day with 40 of these being…

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What is Duty of Care in Aged Care?

duty of care in aged care

First published: November 2024 Duty of care in aged care is the legal and moral obligation and responsibility an aged care worker has, to ensure the physical and emotional safety of residents in their care. Alongside being legally and ethically sound, this encompasses providing a high-quality level of care that meets the clients needs, keeping…

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What Skills Does an Aged Care Worker Need?

aged care worker skills

First published: November 2024 Aged care workers are essential healthcare professionals that provide daily high-quality care to residents in aged care homes. To become an aged care worker, having the right skills and traits is just as important as obtaining the correct aged care certifications. Mastering both will lead you on the path to success. To…

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